Aponia dental center is waiting for you!
We design smiles
Dental tourism is a great oportunity to travel for the purposes of your health.
What is dental tourism?
Dental tourism is travelling abroad in order to provide oral health care that is significantly cheaper than in other countries considering the health care costs. It is evident that dental health care costs are lower in Eastern European countries (particularly in non EU member states) due to the fact that the income per capita is considerably lower in these countries, resulting with proportionally lower costs of life and professional services.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to emphasize that our dentists are higly qualified, being specializied through system of countinuous professional training related to the latest technologic and scientific innovations in the field of dentistry. Our dental studios and technical laboratory are equipped with leading devices; we are working with the latest materials imported from Germany, USA and Japan). Thus, it is a high quality service that we offer.
„Aponija“ is a dental studio with an extensive experience, professional approach and large number of satisfied patients. Continuous professional improvements of our experts specialized in various fields of dentistry and the appliance of latest work methods make us the leading dental studio in the region. We are able to provide all kinds of dental services to our patients, guaranting prompt service , high quality standard and reduced costs.
Take the advantage of numerous conveniences of dental tourism such as significant money saving, high quality, opportunity to travel, visit and enjoy a pleasent stay in Belgrade, discretion (many patients don’ t wish to be seen while having implant surgery or some oher surgical intervention, they prefer to come back home with a beautiful smile.

In a pleasant an beautiful ambiance we will address all your needs and requirements.
Dental tourism in Belgrade
Belgrade is the capital of Serbia, the third biggest city in Southeastern Europe, following Istanbul and Athens. It has a population of over 1.700.000.
Due to its classic beauty and modern style it is desirable to visit it. Its numerous attractions and artistic and cultural vividness shall leave you breathless. The city lies on two rivers, The Sava and the magnificent Danube.
If you have already visited Belgrade then you realize what our beautiful city has to offer. If you haven’t been here yet, come to visit one of the most attractive European destinations and enjoy it and its irresistible charm.
Situated in the heart of Southeastern Europe, on the crossroad of Eastern and Weastern Europe, Belgrade lies on the confluence of two rivers, The Sava and The Danube. Due to such location it deserves to be called the gate of Balkans and the gate of Central Europe.
High quality of service and accessible price are the elements that position Belgrade among the most desirable targets of specialized dental services and complete treatment.