Aesthetic dentistry
Usually it overlaps with interventions aiming at improvement or renewal of chewing functions as in the case of surgical implantation.

Aesthetic dentistry
Teeth whitening
Composite fillings
Inlay i onlay
Teeth whitening
Healthy, beautiful and white teeth are a precondition for a flawless smile. In time, teeth change their color due to the consummation of different colored beverages (coffee, tea, Coca Cola, red wine), use of tetracycline in early age, smoking and other factors. Discoloring may also appear after endodontic teeth treatment.
If you are unsatisfied with the color of your teeth, or you have an avital discolored tooth, whitening is the solution to your problem.
Here in Aponija we apply two different tooth whitening methods that with the use of modern materials provide excellent results.
We emphasize that these methods do not harm the tooth tissue and may be repeated several times.
- Clinical whitening is performed within a dental studio conditions under a supervision of a dentist. It requires the application of hydrogen peroxide gel in combination with special UV light. After a thirty minute treatment , teeth will get two to four shades lighter after which It is necessary to revisit the dental studio three or four times, every other day. The longievity of results depends on your willingness to maintain the color by reducing the daily amount of colored beverages. In any case, the color shall not change to the color before the whitening.
House teeth whitening includes the making of an individual splint which the patient uses at home by applying the gel inside following the precise instructions provided by dentist.

Composite fillings
In current dentistry composite is the most common used restorative material. Due to its physical an aesthetic properties it became a leading material in easthetic and reconstructive dentistry, and by continuous inprovement of its physical qualities (durability, hardiness, abrasivness) it is replacing amalgam as the solution to lateral jaw region restauration.
Amalgam, besides the fact that it isn’t a filling, it has negative health effects. It is an alloy of mercury and silver, containing 54 % of mercury which when it enters into the mouthit releases the mercury steam intoxicating human body on daily basis with a consecutive cancerogenous effect.

Inlay i onlay