Dental bridges
If we don’t fill in the gaps between teeth, there is a risk that other teeth might start to move in the mouth which is only a step from loosing a proper bite, proper function and development of parandentosis.
What is a dental bridge?
Dental bridge is made up of two dental crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap and an artificial tooth between them. Natural teeth, dental implants or a combination of natural teeth and implants may be used to support a bridge. The type of the suitable bridge depends on the look of your smile, the price you are willing to pay and the aesthetic results you want to achieve.
Regardless whether you want a temporary or a permanent solution there is a dental bridge that satisfies your requirements.

Types of dental bridges
Circural dental bridge
Traditional dental bridges
Maryland bonded bridges
Circular dental bridge
They are used in case of bruxism. In fact the majority of people are unaware that they have troubles with bruxism until a dentist confirms that our teeth are “ grinded”. This expression signifies exceeding teeth grating and clenching not associated with chewing food and occurring mainly at night. This way teeth and their supporting structures are being severely damaged which results in reduced vertical dimension.
Night grinding with adults is usually a result of stress or genetics and occurs during a sleep. Special teeth protectors made of semi soft protective foil and silicon are placed over biting surface of jaw. They are worn at night and in rare cases during the day. Their role is to relax the chewing muscles and protect teeth from wearing off and abrasions that occur due to the frequent grinding.
For now, wearing protective silicon dental covers at night is an effective solution that prevents our teeth to decay.

Klasični most
This type of bridge consists of two dental crowns for the teeth on either sides of the gap and one artificial tooth between them.
These anchoring teeth called abutment lean on at least two teeth. This type of bridge is most commonly used due to the stability it provides.
During its fabrication at least two teeth have to be reduced. These bridges can be metal ceramic or non metal. If there aren’t any adjacent teeth dental implants can be inserted to support the bridge.
Ovakva vrsta mostova se najčešće izrađuje i ima najveću stabilnost. Pri izradi se moraju brusiti barem dva zuba. Mogu biti metalo-keramički ili bezmetalni.

Maryland bonded bridges
Saving dental substance (without teeth reduction) is its advantage while pressure deference, poor effect on supporting teeth and susceptibility to plaque are major disadvantages. This type of bridge is made of plastic teeth and gums supported by a metal framework. It is usually less expensive than other types of bridges, easier to install and represents temporary solution, until permanent restoration.