Dental Crowns
They are applied when a tooth is damaged, but doesn’t have to be extracted. That way the tooth is preserved, it can be repaired if necessary and the dental crown is compensated. The tooth needs to be trimmed in order to make space for placing the crown.
A part from their primary function, tooth reinforcment, the crowns are also used in esthetic purposes. Thanks to different techniques and materials that are available nowadays, it is possible to make high quality dental crowns that are very similar to natural teeth.

Types crowns
Metal ceramic crowns
Zirconio crowns
Emax crowns
Prettau zirconia
Metal ceramic crowns
They are made of non precious or biocompatible exclusively metal alloys without nickel, iron or beryllium.
Dentaurum Remanium Star crown Talladium crown is a perfect example of right quality and price.
This high quality most commonly used alloy owns all biocompatibility certificates and it meets all the requirements in the field of aesthetic dentistry.

Zirconio crowns
Zirconia crowns are the best solution that modern esthetic dentistry has to offer. Thanks to their excellent features the great results are achieved that each patient is satisfied with. They are made of biocompatible material that doesn’t cause any allergic reaction.
Zirconia crown is a modern and effective solution for compensating the missing teeth.
The crown is higly resistant and more esthetic than any other type of dental crown. In addition, zirconia crowns are lighter than metal ceramic dental crowns and 50% stronger.
U pitanju je biokompatibilan materijal koji ne izaziva alergije.
Cirkonijumska kruna je moderno i efikasno rešenje za nadoknađivanje nedostajućih zuba.
Krunica ima vrlo visok otpor, kao i estetiku neuporedivu sa bilo kojom drugom vrstom zubne krunice. Takođe, cirkonijumske krune su lakše od metal-keramičkih a pritom i do 50% čvršće.

Prettau cirkonij
Prettau zirconia is especially suitable for restoration in implant area in cases where there isn’t enough space, or for restoration with integrated gingiva.
With this unique material, thanks to its translucence and special coloring technique, it is possible to design a monolith restoration of zirconia with excellent esthetic effect such as Pretteau bridge.
Compact and non-porous structure and high translucence provide natural appearance as well as high biocompatibility to this material. The result is a wide range of positive features such as high bending strength up to 1200 MA and constant contraction factor which is a precondition for acquiring high precision.
It is undoubtedly a material with highest crack resistance and durability that prevents the abrasion of antagonist tooth (the tooth in the opposite arch) thanks to exceptionally compact, smooth and perfectly polished structure.
Kompaktna neporozna struktura i visoka prozirnost daju ovom materijalu vrlo prirodan izgled u kombinaciji sa visokom biokompatibilnošću.
Rezultat je niz pozitivnih karakteristika kao što su visoka čvrstoća na savijanje do 1200 MPa i konstantni faktor kontrakcije, što je preduslov za postizanje vrlo visoke preciznosti.
To je nesumnjivo materijal koji ima najveći otpor na prelome i najbolju rezistentnost, sprečavajući abraziju antagonista (suprotnog zuba) zahvaljujući izuzetno kompaktnoj, glatkoj i savršeno ispoliranoj strukturi.

Emax crowns
IPS Empress CAD is used for designing highly aesthetic compensations and due to its quality such as translucency, transparency and homogeneous structure they posses chameleon effect, therefore they do not differ from natural teeth. On the other hand it is mechanically durable up to 400 Mpa and a part from facets and frontal crowns it can be used for inlays and onlays.